EL4DEV At the heart of the revitalization of territories.pdf
Nom original: EL4DEV - At the heart of the revitalization of territories.pdf
Titre: EL4DEV - At the heart of the revitalization of territories
Auteur: Romain Contis - EL4DEV
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The EL4DEV program at the heart of the revitalization of territories
The post-COVID "Next World" calls on each of us to redefine our living environment and human
relationships. After several centuries devoted to competitive production and its negative impact on
humans, other alternative development models are now gaining momentum, all with the objective of
placing humans back at the heart of controlled development, prioritizing local and short circuits,
guarantees of quality of production and enrichment of human interactions. Such initiatives are now
multiplying everywhere in the world which, ultimately, insert each local fact into a new shared global
As a major player in the social and solidarity economy (SSE), the El4Dev Program intends in its
work to bring together and encourage, by "arching" them, the greatest number of these local
initiatives, in order to give them, through the new information and communication
technologies (NICT), a global resonance.
1. People at the center of controlled development in harmony with the
People are now once again the central element, around which all new SSE initiatives revolve. In the
new alternative economic projects carried by the ESS, those linked to rurality play a large part, no
doubt in connection with the increased concern for environmental concerns. Among these we find :
- A return to non-productivist agriculture and breeding with limited livestock: Polyculture on
several small plots and diversified breeding, but with a reduced number of animals, would allow both food
self-sufficiency for agro-pastoralists and the sale of organic quality products on short circuits (markets,
grocery stores, cooperatives, etc.) and flexi-food.
- A reopening of shops, medical offices and a revitalization of village centers: They are the
heart of the life of the village community. At the center of social interactions, they also limit flows to cities
and, therefore, polluting transport.
- An implementation of educational models linked to nature: Montessori primary schools or an
awareness of nature and rurality taught in primary school give additional richness, but also management
autonomy, to these unique places.
In the cities, peripheral districts take up all or part of the 3 points mentioned above. On the other
hand, the attraction for a return to traditional craftsmanship replaces that of the land. Reconnecting
with old manufacturing techniques that have disappeared and / or with old trades contributes to a
certain quality of life sought and to the revitalization of neighbourhoods.
The El4Dev Program intends to encourage these positive initiatives, by publicizing them and above all by
coordinating them to make them visible and appeal to others.
2. Opening up and revitalizing forgotten territories
All of these individual local initiatives all participate in opening up and revitalizing forgotten territories.
They all aim to stem the rural exodus, desertification and the death of territories marginalized by
capitals, regional metropolises and areas of strong economic vitality.
The El4Dev Program intends to fight against the desertification of territories and to be as close
as possible to local actors (regions, departments, cantons, intercommunalities and
municipalities), by supporting any project to revitalize a territory espousing the values of the
3. The interconnection and "archipelago" of alternative local initiatives
To do this, the El4Dev Program plans to interconnect and "archipelago" these alternative local
initiatives. In this, it can rely on original actors and innovative tools and ideas:
- The "principalities" and the free cities: The “principalities” are self-declared territories as
such and not recognized by the international community. The ideal of these territories is not to
aim for national or local independence, but to put forward a “special status” for the territory, so
as to make it a place of attraction for tourism and / or investment. Diverse and attract curious
and investors, all through local initiatives responding to the values of the SSE. The aim of the
free cities is the same, except that these latter territories, without any special status, can only be
recognized by the adherence of their inhabitants to the values of the SSE.
- IT applications to link together the local initiatives of these territories and make them
known elsewhere: The applications can be used for the management of local projects, their
interconnection with others, educational programs (complementary to those of the States), the
promotion of local commercial, associative and cultural initiatives...
- “Le Papillon Source” neighborhoods : Eco-responsible type habitats can be added to the
communities with their agreement. These habitats will favor ecological and local materials,
natural isothermal energy, natural electricity (sun, wind, water) and recoverable water.
- “Act local / think global” education : This education will not replace State Public Education,
but will complement it. Programs devoted to the nature of the place, computers and modern
languages will be provided. Opportunities for professional careers in connection with SSE could
be developed in partnership with secondary and university establishments.
- Exploiting the potential of atypical profiles : Abandoned by the traditional economy,
atypical profiles nevertheless represent a strong untapped potential, of which the El4Dev
Program is fully aware. Their very specific skills could thus be used both in the development of
local initiatives and in the various aspects of the El4Dev Program and thus provide the technical
expertise necessary for the success of the Program and the informational enhancement of local
The El4Dev Program therefore intends to coordinate these social and solidarity initiatives
by interconnecting them through various tools based on these last 5 points. It also intends to
"archipelago" them, that is to say to place them at the same level of interest and interaction
with each other and to involve them actively in the Program. The "archipelago" of local
actors implies an effort led by the El4Dev Program on the means of communication.
In addition to the NICTs mentioned, the El4Dev Program intends to promote soft and nonpolluting mobility. Of course, cycle paths and forest paths are already being promoted all over the
world, thanks to the “ecological revolution”. The El4Dev Program does not intend to neglect the
rail with the arrival of hydrogen and even one day the air, when non-polluting energy sources will
be in circulation.
As a major player in SSE, the El4Dev Program therefore supports all local projects of SCOP, SCIC,
etc. which respond to SSE values (1 person = 1 vote; ecological, social and solidarity values) and
where, let us remember, humans must once again become the central element of their own
The 7 reasons to support the El4Dev Program
1. Support an economic model where people are at the center and in harmony with their
Support a project at the heart of SSE values.
Support the visibility of local economic and cultural initiatives and help their development.
Support the opening up and revitalization of territories.
Support the provision of NICTs for regional development.
Support the recognition of the potential brought to the Program by atypical profiles.
Support a constantly moving program, driven by local initiatives, and with a global dimension.
Article written by Romain CONTIS
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EL4DEV - At the heart of the revitalization of territories.pdf (PDF, 492 Ko)